Meetings are at the core of the Youth Climate Council – each meeting gives rise to new ideas, better discourse, and a broader representation of the will of young people in Queensland. But what do these meetings do? How do they function? What can you expect to come out of one?
Committees: Committees are small groups of seven that meet at least once a month. They are spaces for you to express opinions around a topic that you truly are passionate about, and allow you to share your opinions and voice freely in a casual environment. The format of how they are structured and when they run will be up to your committee’s discretion, but typically involve discussion on proposed pieces of policy that the committee supports as a whole. Those expected to attend these meetings are the members and executive of the committee.
General Chamber: These meetings are made up of up to 10 committees and occur once a month. They are a chance to discuss topics with members outside of your committee and follow a more structured format than committee meetings. They will occur for two hours (including a five minute break) that are broken up into a 55 minute and one hour segment. In the first segment, the chair will bring forward the topics emailed to them in the weeks prior by executives. The second segment will consist of topics suggested by members – these topics can be emailed to the chair prior to the meeting, and will gain priority this way, or they can bring them to the chair during the five minute break between segments. The meeting will take on a similar format to Model UN meetings, where each change or proposition brought up will have a vote on whether or not to debate/discuss it, and if the topic is not voted to debate, it will be automatically passed. Should the proposition be voted to debate, a discussion will be run, followed by another vote on if it should pass or not.
General Meeting: General meetings are attended by every individual in the YCC, and will occur every three months. In these meetings, the most vital discussions that concern the entirety of the YCC will occur, such as the reelection of executives.