The Youth Climate Council is built on the premise that young people will always be louder and better able to fight for their future together, rather than individually. Our goal is to empower everybody to have a say in how climate and environmental policy should be dictated, by becoming a member. But what do those roles mean specifically? What will you be responsible for, when you join us?

Member: When you first join the YCC, you become a member. Your main responsibilities will include voting, participating in blocs of members, and participating in discussions and debates. You are expected to either join a committee that contains less than 7 members, or form a committee on an issue/topic that you are passionate about. As a member, your commitments are to attend your committee’s meetings, the monthly general chamber meetings, and the trimonthly general meeting. 

Executive: The executive is a member who has been chosen to represent a committee. Their role is decided via a vote in their committee; each committee can only choose one executive. Should you become an executive, your responsibilities will be to manage your committee, research and be engaged in your committee’s topic, and act as a voice for your committee. Your commitments will be to attend your committee’s meetings, the monthly general chamber meetings, and the trimonthly general meeting. Prior to the general chamber meetings, you are expected to have emailed the chamber chair at least a day in advance on any topics/issues that you and your committee wish to discuss. 

Chair: Any member can volunteer to become a chair, except executives who cannot be chairs. As chair, you are responsible for ensuring civil discussion in meetings, running votes, discussing topics, and keeping the meeting stays on track; they are vital to the order and functioning of the meetings. You are expected to go to your committee’s meetings, the monthly general chamber meetings, and the trimonthly general meeting. If you are unable to go to a meeting that you are running, please contact administrators in advance with a valid reason.

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